Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Secker Society

Dear Reader,

I point you to this society for your consideration.

From the "About" page:

 The Secker Society exists to promote the use of the historic formularies of the Church of England in North America, including the Articles of Religion of 1571, the Authorized Version of 1611, the Prayer Book of 1662, the Psalter of 1539, the Ordinal of 1661, and the Books of Homilies of 1547 and 1571. 
The Society's primary purpose is to encourage the inclusion of liturgy from the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England, first printed in 1662, in the life of the church in North America. It is the position of the Society that this inclusion does not necessitate the displacement or exclusion of any of the much belovedservice books currently in common use among the heirs of the Church of England in North America. The Society hopes that all those who share in its cause will seek that the current Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England be officially authorized for special use within their own religious communities.
Towards these aims, the principal activities of the Society are the production, publication, and distribution of literature in both electronic and print form and the maintenance of a directory of services utilizing liturgy from the 1662 Book of Prayer in North America.

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